Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Did you know...

...that even grown ups and girls can do karate?"

Sometimes I think I should devote an entire blog to Zach.

a Christmas Eve love story

Once opon a time their was a princess named maria and a prince named justin beber. it was true love. it was teh night before christmass and they snugled together.

by Emerson

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1st Grade Prayer Group

My students amaze me. I overheard them talking the other day. Rachel said, "Let's pray about that at recess." I asked them to tell me more, and it turns out they've been praying at recess every day after lunch. I asked Joshua what they pray about. "Our sins. Also, our dogs, and anyone who is sick." So sweet.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Why do you love Jesus?

"I love Jesus because he did wunderful things. He havd givnus Love." -Grace

"I love Jesus because eh is mi favrit savior." -Ben

He's my favorite savior, too. :)

Juice Plus

Zach's Mom sells a product called Juice Plus. Zach is quite the spokesman for it and often asks me if I'm interested. Today, I told him no, I wasn't interested right now.

He then politely asked, "Is it because of your unhealthy lifestyle?"

Friday, October 7, 2011


Last year, Aeden's Mom had a baby. This was their fourth boy and she had him at home. Aeden came to school the Monday after the baby was born very excited to tell us all about his brother's birth. He told us his Mom was making elephant noises until the baby came out. He said that when the baby first came out he was very soft and smelled so good. He also told us that the baby lived in something called a placenta. He offered to bring it in for show and tell. (!) I told him to ask his mom first.

I've got babies on the brain today. Four of my friends are expecting, so I thought I would gather some advice for them from some first graders who consider themselves expert brothers and is what they wrote in their journals:
(if you can't read it, try saying it out loud exactly how it's spelled...that's what i do)

"When you have a new baby you taec kervit bcas if the baby gis lost then you will be wred so woth ovrit and tac der av it and Be mor Kefrol." -Josiah

"When you have a new baby I will name her Lilly." -Bailey (That is, unless you would like to name your own baby).

"When you have a new baby name it." -Ben (Better do it quick, before Bailey gets to her).

"When you have a baby She will go on the chraplen (trampoline)." -Grace (I don't recommend hiring Grace to babysit)

"babyS ar fun allso You nyed to woch awt for dyiprs cus they ar mesye." -Emilie

"you ned to now wen thar birthday. you ned to chang ther diprs. you ned to tac car uv thum. you ned to mac shr that thay dot get hrt. you ned to giv tham baby food evre day. you ned to macshr that thay dot get hrt. (she really wanted to emphasize this one). you ned to tect tham to reed for Kendrgotin and for frst grad and evre grad like thrd grad. you need to mac shr that thay lisin to you. you ned to tech tham to blef in God and you ned to tel tham that Jesus deid on the cros. you ned to tel that evredes (everything?) in the bible is chow (true). you ned to love tham. you ned to tch tham that God creadid teh hevins and the earth. and mac shr that thay dot (don't) liy and mac shr that thay dot hit ech abr." -Rachel (Don't get too overwhelmed now).

"When you have a new baby luv it and car uv it and luv and luv and luv it." -Isaac (the best, and probably easiest advice to follow).,

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Questions for God

This is one of my favorite journal entries. I asked my students, "What is your question for God?"

There were some theology questions:
-Der God, how did you get her(e)?
-Why did Saten wanto go out ov hevin?
-Wi wr you lounle? (I asked Isaac why he thought God was lonely. It was when he was in the garden, before he made people).

Some questions about the future:
-Der God what is heaven like?
-When are you going to come to earth?

Some questions about when life is unfair:
-Why did alikz win the gomebars? (We had a contest to win gummiebears a few weeks ago and Alex won. Apparently Katie is still having a hard time with it.)

Some grateful hearts:
-Facu for sool Jesez. (see A Thank You Note below)
-Dear God I Love you and you Love me. God why do you Love me so much?

And some general curiosity questions: -What do you like to et? I like spageteua.
-Do you love me?

What is your question for God?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Thank You Note

Dear Mr. Roberts,

Fack you.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mrs. Jones

It's been a while since I've written, and a few things have changed.

My adventures are no longer in Kindergarten. Now I teach first grade. I'm also not Miss Terrill anymore. I got married this summer and now I'm Mrs. Jones.

My students remind me of my new name when I accidentally refer to myself as Miss Terrill. Zack even told me I have a song. "It's called Me and Mrs. Jones, want to hear it Mrs. Jones?"

Of course I do!

So he proceeded to sing:

"Me and Mrs. Jones...Mrs. Jones...Mrs. Jones...
We've got a thing goin' on
She is my teacher
And I love her..."

"I made up the last party myself, Mrs. Jones!"

Thank you, Zack.